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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On 25 April 2013, Milanka Opačić, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Policy and Youth along with the Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Public Administration, Darko Parić, presented the eCitizens project.

In the light of this initiative, Ms Opačić said that this is the first government in 23 years that started to electronically integrate government data from several information systems into a single one. She also emphasised that the Ministry will provide around HRK6 billion (approx. €791 million) out of its budget for the computerisation of certain licenses and specific computer programs.

"Up until a year and a half ago no one in the state had used these data before, because they were not connected to each other. We embarked on data exchange and established a connection with each other," said the Deputy Prime Minister. She added that this project will prove cost-effective as well as beneficial for the citizens, since from next year some data will be available online for citizens to access them from the comfort of their own home.

Ms Opačić stressed that this is a project that must be developed to the point that it will make the state paperless, enabling citizens to avoid long queues, requesting the same document several times, or going from one counter to another. She concluded: "Our wish is to make the state function better but also that citizens ultimately benefit from all we have invested these years in information systems."

Mr Parić added that "the eCitizens project is our idea to replace public tellers with the use of the Internet", emphasising the savings that the state would achieve through the implementation of the project. The state currently spends HRK180 million (approx. €23.7 million) just on postal services, all of which will be processed through eCitizens and so will be delivered by email.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 17.05.2013

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