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Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

GE: Georgien / Georgia

  • Internet and e-commerce industry in Georgia

    Georgia is a country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. The country, located at the juncture of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, is bounded to the west by the Black Sea, to the north by Russia, to the south by Turkey and Armenia, and to the east by Azerbaijan. During the major part of the 20th century, Georgia's economy was within the Soviet model of command economy. At present, tourism has become an increasingly significant part of the Georgian economy, with 103 resorts in different climatic zones in the country.

  • Bitfury Group, Government of Georgia partner to expand blockchain land-titling project

    Blockchain technology firm Bitfury Group has announced its partnership with Government of the Republic of Georgia in a move to expand historic blockchain land-titling project.

    The cutting-edge blockchain project is being built with the Republic of Georgia’s National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) that will continue to advance in 2017. The parties have also signed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to expand its blockchain solutions to other government departments.

  • Dimitry Kumsishvili: Georgian Government intends to transform the country into a regional hub of Information Technologies

    At EuroDIG 2018 official opening ceremony, the First Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Dimitry Kumsishvili introduced the vision and initiative of the Georgian Government regarding the ICT sector.

    “In order to develop the knowledge-based and an innovation-driven economy, Georgian Government intends to transform the country into a regional hub of Information Technologies with highly skilled workforce,” – Dimitry Kumsishvili stated. In this context, the First Vice Prime Minister stressed on the importance of the improvement of the legal framework covering privacy, censorship and self-censorship, protection from copyright infringement, and protection of children from harmful effects, and are directly connected to the freedom of expression on the internet as well as the significance of educational and infrastructural projects, according to Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.

  • Georgia among top 50 performers on E-participation

    More Georgian citizens are going online, with the country ranked 56th in terms of E-government and 49th in terms of E-participation in the 2014 United Nations E-Government Survey, improving on last year’s result by 16 and 17 places. The country placed 72 among 193 UN countries in terms of E-government and 66th in E-participation last year.

    A ranking of UN Member States comparing E-government - digital interactions between Governments and people - varied greatly among and within regions but most countries had made progress on providing greater access, according to the new survey.

  • Georgia considers biometric voter registration

    Georgia is currently considering the use of biometrics voter registration for its 2014 elections.

    Reported in DFwatch.com, a cross-faction group presented a proposalin parliament regarding a new biometric election system, including their recommendations for managing the republic’s voter list.

    Currently, the biometric data of 750,000 citizens exist in state databases, and the current total population in the republic is nearly 4.7 million. According to the DFwatch report, the group which presented the proposal for a biometric system suggested collecting the remaining data door-to-door as well the use of public advertisements to inform citizens.

  • AG: Estonia and Georgia: Leaders in e-governance transformation share their expertise with the Caribbean

    When it comes to the Caribbean’s vision for 21st Century Government, Estonia is an excellent example of the possibilities for transforming governments and countries.

    With a population of 1.3 million, Estonia is ranked among the world’s top leaders in the development of e-government having 99% of its public services available online 24/7.

  • Biometric voter’s list may not be used in Georgia’s local election

    A biometric election list may not be ready for the upcoming local elections in Georgia, which will be held in June, 2014.

    Election lists have been subject to disputes for a long time, especially during the National Movement government, when there were claims that the lists were manipulated in a way that amounted to doctoring the results. No-one complained about the lists during the last presidential election though, but still, the new government has decided to use biometrics to conduct elections in the future.

  • E-Governance project funded by EU in Georgia

    The 18 month long 'Twinning Project' that was funded by the European Union (EU) will the carried out by the Data Exchange Agency.

    The project, which is worth Euro 1.2 million will develop and adopt information and communication technologies in the public services, according to press release from the EU Delegation in Tbilisi.

    "The project will help the public administration in Georgia to better perform its services, and to facilitate an efficient, speedy and transparent dissemination of information to other public agencies and the public," as per the information shared in the EU Neighborhood Info Center website.

  • Electronic Transparency in Georgia

    The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) yesterday presented a book “Electronic Transparency in Georgia”. The book is about the development of electronic Government and electronic transparency by monitoring the level of electronic transparency of official web-sites of state agencies in Georgia. It was published as part of the project “Monitoring of Governmental Agencies’ Informational Resources (official websites)” financed by the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) and the National Security Archive.

    The publication, concerned with access to public information in Georgia issued as part of the “public information database” project has become a subject for public discussion. Talking of the level of electronic transparency in our country, Director of IDFI Giorgi Kldiashvili stressed the importance of cooperation between the public community and state agencies. “The obligations of the Georgian Government towards their citizens have been wonderfully defined by Georgian legislation but how the particular articles are being interpreted and implemented remains in question,” Kldiashvili told The Messenger.

  • Estonia to launch e-governance project with Georgia

    The Estonian e-Governance Academy is launching a twin project in Georgia to support the development the e-Georgia concept and strategy, which is set to bring the country's e-governance and cyber security in line with European Union standards.

    The Foreign Ministry in Tallinn said throughout the 18-month project, experts who built up the Estonian e-state and experts from Italy will advise and train employees of the Georgian Data Exchange Agency and other government institutions.

  • GE: Biometric Voter Registry Cost Debated

    Voter registration through biometric identification system will cost maximum GEL 102.5 million (about USD 59.6 mln) instead of about GEL 189.8 million (USD 110.4 mln) as claimed by the authorities, a group of opposition parties said on March 7.

    Eight opposition parties, which last October presented a joint proposal on election system reform and agreed to speak with one voice during the talks with the authorities on election-related issues, presented their case about biometric registration and its cost before media and civil society groups on March 7.

  • GE: Land grab: Governments may be big backers of the blockchain

    In the hills overlooking Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital, sits a nondescript building housing rows of humming computer servers. The data centre, operated by the BitFury Group, a technology company, was built to “mine” (cryptographically generate) bitcoin, the digital currency. But now it also uses the technology underlying bitcoin, called the “blockchain”, to help secure Georgian government records. Experts are eyeing the experiment for proof of whether blockchain technology could alter the infrastructure of government everywhere.

  • GE: Sweden allocates €1.5 million grant for Georgia

    The Government of Sweden has allocated a €1.5 million (3.3 million GEL) grant for Georgia’s Public Service Development Agency.

    Specifically, the money will be used by the Agency, a legal entity of public law operating under the management of the Ministry of Justice, to develop the services offered to those in Georgia’s central and rural areas.

  • Georgia - Regional Leader in e-Governance

    During recent years Georgia has made big progress in the field of e-government. However, e-democracy and e-election are in the list of the next steps to be taken. E-governance is not just a bonus to have anymore, it is a must-have.

    “To be competitive in the global economy today it is very important that businesses can produce very efficiently and quickly and having an e-government makes it easier for businesses to do that,” said Lisa Kaestner, IFC, World Bank Group, regional manager for Investment Climate Advisory Service, Europe and Central Asia.

  • Georgia begins pilot project for e-government

    Georgia is starting a pilot project to introduce electronic government, or e-government.

    Representatives of the Justice Ministry on Monday presented an action plan for 2014-2018 named ‘digital Georgia’ which has 11 priority areas.

    The goal is to improve state services for people and strengthen the local level of government.

  • Georgia Ranks 53rd for Digital Quality of Life in 2020

    The Digital Quality of Life (DQL) Index has published its annual study on what tangible factors have the greatest impact on various countries’ digital wellbeing, and which areas should be prioritized in improving their potential.

    The DQL index is published annually based on research conducted by the privacy protection company Surfshark. The study indexes countries by looking at five fundamental pillars that define the digital quality of life: internet quality, affordability, e-security, online government services and e-infrastructure.

  • Georgia ranks first among EBRD on e-government procurement

    According to the practice of electronic public procurement, Georgia ranks first among the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) member countries.

    EBRD conducted a study in 2012-2013 which showed that since the last assessment of the system of electronic public procurement in Georgia, there was significant progress in all criteria and among the 26 member countries Georgia came out on top, a report of the country's Ministry of Economy said.

  • Georgia to Sell eGovernment Innovation in 2014

    The idea ‘Everything in One Space’ - a public service system invented by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, is going to be sold in 2014. Southern African and South American countries as well as Turkey and Argentina are interested in purchasing the idea, which was made in Georgia. Negotiations in this direction have already begun.

    “The idea Everything in One Space has already been patented and many countries are interested in importing it,” said Nino Chichua, Executive Director of the House of Justice. The cost of the idea Everything in One Space has not yet been determined. The price will depend on the service that the particular ‘buyer’ wants to get, Chichua explains. “For example, it is possible to sell only one service and not the whole idea. It depends on what the country wants to get - whether it wants to purchase the whole idea or just a part of it,” she said.

  • Georgia to work on eHealth system after Estonia's pattern

    Georgia takes after Estonia in developing its eHealth system. The legislative base is currently being prepared by the example of Estonia and the new Cabinet of Georgia hopes to implement the system in 2013, reported BC Estonian government's press service.

    During his meeting with Maia Panjikidze, the Foreign Minister of Georgia, Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip assured that we definitely have experts and businesses who are ready to provide their experience in developing the eHealth system in Georgia.

  • Georgia using biometrics in electoral process

    The Georgian parliament is mulling an initiative to employ biometric data to better manage the voting process in the nation.

    The proposition, brought forward by a non-parliamentary initiative boasts a 130,000-signature petition in its support, Trend.az reports.

    Eight opposition parties came together to sign the proposal, which, if passed, will help the nation determine the exact number of voters involved in the upcoming election.

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