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Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Georgian parliament is mulling an initiative to employ biometric data to better manage the voting process in the nation.

The proposition, brought forward by a non-parliamentary initiative boasts a 130,000-signature petition in its support, Trend.az reports.

Eight opposition parties came together to sign the proposal, which, if passed, will help the nation determine the exact number of voters involved in the upcoming election.

Irakli Melashvili, political secretary of the National Forum, told the news source, "Georgia must create a guarantee for the elections not to be rigged. We will do everything for it."

According to the Messenger Online, Inga Grigiolia of the Christian Democrats party claims that the current election code is the main reason why Mikheil Saakashvili is in office. She says that the party will find another way to ensure fair elections if parliament does not pass the initiative.

Recording biometrics provides a secure way to ensure a fair election as each voter is identified when he or she votes. This makes it difficult to falsify records as biometric data is stored for each individual casting a vote. If there is suspicion about the results of an election, officials can use the recorded biometric data to confirm that votes were not falsified.


Quelle/Source: ID Superstore, 23.09.2010

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