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Montag, 10.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Investing in the IFG-Group: Have a share in our success

The field of eGovernment – the use of IT solutions to improve Government performance and processes – is a rapidly growing field. While government organisations have been using information technology for decades, they are just beginning to realize the real potential of IT to reorganize processes and organizations to improve services and reduce costs. European governments are spending billions of dollars on eGovernment every year and these expenditures continue to grow at a rapid pace. At the same time, while there is a great need for consulting and advice on how to plan and implement eGovernment projects large and small, there is a lack of expertise in how to design and implement these efforts.

The IFG-Group offers exactly this expertise from a unique and highly sought-after perspective. Most eGovernment consultants take a technological view, focusing on communications and computing solutions to the near-exclusion of other factors. The IFG-Group’s strong concentration on the government domain, with a forward-thinking focus on issues of public administration and organization, independent of specific technical solutions is rare and therefore especially sought-after in the field.

Because of its product-independent approach and considerable experience in local, national and international projects, the IFG-Group is relied upon by a growing list of government clients at all levels for sound eGovernment advice, training and guidance. The IFG-Group’s revenues are expected to increase dramatically in the coming years, limited only by its own willingness and capacity to accept new projects. Shares in the IFG-Group offer investors the opportunity to profit from a growing company in an industry with a very bright future. For further information, please contact us at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

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