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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In a country which has been suffering for long from governance deficit, the push to e-governance under Modi regime has begun to show the change.

The Government launched the provision for online visas on November 27. And within a month, 22000 online visas have been issued by the Government, which is almost equal to the number of visas on arrival (VoAs) issued in the last 11 months.

According to a report in the Times of India, the number of visas on arrival issued from January to November 2014 was 24963, while 22000 online visas have been issued by the Government till 31st December since November 27 when the launch of visa-on-arrival was enabled by electronic travel authorization (ETA).

The Government introduced ETA for 43 countries including the US, Israel, Germany and Russia. As the move will give a major push to tourism industry in India, the Government further aims to extend this facility to almost 150 countries in phases.

On similar lines, e-ticketing for Taj Mahal and Humayun Tomb were launched on a pilot basis, to facilitate hassle-free entry of tourists to monuments.

While e-visas will prove to be a major boost for the tourism industry, it will also better India’s ranking in the visa restrictions index as India was ranked 76th by the firm Henley and Partners earlier this year.


Quelle/Source: Niticentral, 01.01.2015

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