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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

FO: Färöer / Faeroes

  • Faroe Islands look to Estonian example setting up own e-government system

    The Faroe Islands are an archipelago of 18 tiny and remote islands in the North Atlantic. An autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark, which already has an e-state of its own in place, they decided in favour of Estonia"s approach—for technological as well as political reasons, writes Richard Martyn-Hemphill.

    After more than a decade of Estonia showboating its e-governance methods to much of the world, it is no longer novel to see far larger nations than the Faroe Islands offering ample praise for Estonia"s drive to bring its interactions between government and citizens online.

  • Faroese success with extensive e-health record

    Faster treatment of patients, less time wasted, faster accessibility to information and happier employees and patients. This is some of the feedback from the Faroe Islands after the implementation in 2007 of a very extensive system for electronic health records (EHR), which includes medical practitioners and hospitals as well as many other relevant hospital functions.

    In the course of the last three years, the effects of the implementation have been followed closely and studied by researchers from Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University who continuously have provided feedback to the Faroese. The researchers characterise the system, and not least the implementation, as a success and believe that Denmark can learn from the Faroese project, just as the Faroese have made great use of the Danish experience with the implementation of EHR in their process.

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