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Freitag, 18.10.2024
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A meeting of 21 CTOs from top technology companies has urged the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) to accelerate technical standardization work in the field of e-health.

The CTOs stressed that reliable, interoperable standards are key to providing patients and health professionals with the means to utilize remote consultation services, advanced ICT-based diagnostic procedures, and electronic health information services.

The meeting, which was held in Geneva during ITU Telecom World 2011, agreed that international coordination on standards will be vital, and that growth in telemedicine services will also demand aggressive roll-out of broadband networks.

The CTOs encouraged ITU, as the world’s leading developer of global ICT standards, to intensify its involvement by developing essential e-health infrastructure standards, and by cooperating with other standards bodies to create reliable, secure and interoperable e-health solutions.

Hamadoun Touré, secretary-general of the ITU, said: “ITU greatly profits from and welcomes the advice of these technology leaders. E-health will bring cutting-edge medical advice to people living in remote, underserved areas, and will revolutionize access to health services in the developing world. ITU is actively working with all parties to create the frameworks for these technologies to be rolled-out on a solid bedrock of broadband deployment.”

On the topic of the upcoming World Conference on International Telecommunication (WCIT-12), CTOs urged that any revisions to the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) maintain the necessary flexibility to enable continued growth in services.

To provide a strong basis for continued growth, the CTOs said the resulting ITRs should reflect technology-neutral, high-level principles, and should be stable enough to reduce the need for future updates.

Participants also encouraged the ITU to continue promoting the key role of ICTs in efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and urged the agency to push this agenda at the upcoming United Nations climate change negotiations (COP17) in Durban, South Africa.

Regarding climate change adaption, and informed by recent events in Japan, the CTOs identified two crucial areas for further work: a disaster relief system allowing individuals to notify a victim’s friends, family or employer; and a disaster relief guidance mechanism to help victims reach safety.

ITU said it is already actively engaged in work in this field, including emergency communication systems to provide early warning of impending disasters.

In the area of technical standards for fixed networks, the meeting reached a agreement on the need for a release-based approach. The CTOs recommended that ITU take a leading role in the release production, coordinating the activities of the most important fora and standards-development organizations (SDOs).


Quelle/Source: Newsbytes Philippines, 26.10.2011

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