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Donnerstag, 20.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Maps Used by Health Professionals, Policy Makers and Students for Designing and Implementing Injury Prevention Programs

MapInfo Corporation (Nasdaq: MAPS) today announced that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Injury Center used its MapInfo® MapXtreme® mapping technology to create Injury Maps, an interactive Web- based mapping application of injury-related mortality in the U.S. Its location-based technology gives users the capability to create customized, interactive online maps that can be used by a wide range of organizations and individuals, such as other federal agencies, state and local health departments, policy makers, research institutions and students.

Injury Maps relies on MapInfo MapXtreme to display state and national geographic patterns in injury deaths. Users are able to select specific parameters to create the exact map that will suit their needs. For example, a health worker can use Injury Maps to create state or county maps that depict the death rates from several broad categories of injuries as well as create a map of a specific injury cause and compare this to state and national death rates.

"A Web-based mapping application such as Injury Maps is an effective tool for public health officials to sort and analyze information when making important decisions about education and prevention programs," said Sabby Nayar, strategic industry manager, government, MapInfo. "We are pleased that the CDC selected MapInfo to power its first interactive Web-based mapping system and that our technology may help to develop programs that could help to reduce injury-related deaths."

Injury Maps includes mortality rates for the years 1989-1998. The data includes injuries from drowning, poisoning, motor vehicle accidents, homicide and five other injury causes of death. The application can be viewed at www.cdc.gov/ncipc/maps/default/htm.

Quelle: Directions magazine

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