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Sonntag, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Australia's federal and state governments are under fire for taking a blinkered approach to information technology spending - ignoring local companies and alternatives to Microsoft. Microsoft's grip on government IT spending has strengthened after it struck multi-million-dollar long-term deals with Canberra, the governments of Victoria, Queensland and South Australia and various government departments.

The Federal Government spends $3.5 billion a year on ICT, of which $1.4 billion is capital expenditure and $2.1 billion recurrent costs, Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show.

According to the federal "e-government" strategy, Better Services, Better Government, announced last week, Canberra will encourage trials of open-source software within the framework of fit-for-purpose and value-for-money.

But the moves come too late, says shadow federal minister for information technology, Senator Kate Lundy; federal IT spending with Microsoft has already placed the government in an "innovation straitjacket."

"Microsoft have been putting a lot of effort into trying to lock up agencies and departments into long-term deals," Lundy says. "IT outsourcing and the way it has been managed has put what I call an innovation straitjacket on agencies and departments. That's partly because they're big, clustered contracts and they're effectively run by a committee, so small agencies can't be innovative and flexible in their thinking about where their solution is going to come from."

Lundy has called for Australia to copy overseas moves to examine Microsoft alternatives such as open source.

This month, the European Union gave UK-based system integrator Netproject almost $500,000 for a feasibility study into moving several member countries' government IT systems from Microsoft Windows to the open source Linux operating system. Linux could cut the cost of software ownership by as much as 65 per cent, according to a Netproject study.

In July, the Norwegian government terminated a contract with Microsoft, its sole public sector software supplier.

Open source has begun to make inroads locally. The Department of Veterans' Affairs, Centrelink and Bureau of Meteorology recently made separate decisions to move part of their IT infrastructure to Linux. Early this year, the Northern Territory Department of Education replaced Microsoft software with the open source word processing suite StarOffice 5.2 in its 160 schools.

Such moves are hampered in most government departments by lack of expertise in evaluating non-Microsoft alternatives, says the Victorian shadow minister for technology and innovation, Victor Perton.

"Even on their own admissions, (the Victorian government) don't have the skills in-house to buy local and there's no incentive system for public servants to actually put their neck on the line to buy local," Perton says.

The Victorian government struck an $80 million four-year contract with Microsoft this year. Perton "can't find any evidence" that alternatives were considered.

"Telstra, on the other hand, which obviously played hard-to-get with Microsoft, merited a visit from the CEO of the company and presumably they've been able to negotiate some significant discount. The Victorian government is a bigger user of Microsoft than Telstra is and we just seem to have signed the contract."

A brain-drain of people equipped to evaluate non-Microsoft alternatives also exists at a federal level, says Lundy.

"There's been a real dumbing down over time of the government as a buyer. In many cases, I think, they get conned and made captive to very large contracts.

"There's been a significant loss of technical expertise, particularly in that purchasing and contract management area where the departments have officers that can rise above the spin of the companies as they vie for government work."

Dependence on Microsoft products makes the prospect of moving away from the software giant daunting but not impossible, as demonstrated by Centrelink's four-year Linux deal with IBM for mainframe capacity and associated software and services.

Centrelink is the Federal Government's biggest agency and the world's 12th largest processing organisation, processing 2.9 billion online transactions a year.

The chief executive of the National Office for the Information Economy, John Rimmer, says Commonwealth IT spending favours "what is most suitable for purpose" rather than particular vendors.

"I think the problem is that some people treat this as some sort of sectarian discussion with an all-or-nothing solution. The fact is a large number of Commonwealth agencies are already using Linux applications in different ways," Rimmer says. "There isn't an all-or-nothing solution. What's clear is that Federal Government agencies will consider Linux alternatives among the range of options they have in terms of their information technology infrastructure."

Federal and state government contracts are certainly prejudiced against local products in favour of multinationals such as Microsoft, says Australian Computer Society national president Richard Hogg.

"Governments, when they're looking at software, should certainly give Australian software houses and Australian software products an equal hearing in any tender or contract debate," Hogg says.

"It should be assessed on merits and not because it's American it must be good or because it's Australian it can't be good. That unfortunate attitude still prevails and for me it's an insult to the Australian software industry."

The nature of government contracts and tenders generally disadvantages Australian small businesses, Hogg says.

"The red tape and the bureaucracy tends to make it difficult for a small company to compete on a level playing field.

"They can't sit around waiting for a decision, and decisions can take much longer than they should. Contracts are loaded towards multinationals because of issues such as insurance, where you need $20 million cover for a $3 million contract."

Rimmer rejects the argument that federal contracts and tenders favour multinationals. "In the end, does the software do the job is the primary consideration. Obviously, interoperability is an issue and so Commonwealth agencies are increasingly looking to standards-based solutions," he says.

After the independent Humphry review of the federal IT outsourcing policy, the Federal Government promised to break down the barriers to SME participation in tenders and contracts, says Senator Lundy, but this has failed to eventuate.

"I know there is a working party meeting on a regular basis," she says.

"I have a huge amount for respect for the small business participants on that committee but I have no faith that the coalition government will either act on their recommendations or allow that committee to express what it really thinks as far as how to break those barriers down, which are as rock-solid as they always were."

Quelle: smh

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