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Freitag, 13.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Seeks CISO to lead whole-of-government security efforts

The Tasmanian government is seeking to boost security across its departments, creating a new executive-level cyber security position.

The Office of eGovernment (OeG), which sits within the Department of Premier and Cabinet, is seeking to recruit a chief information security officer, which Computerworld understands is a newly created position.

The CISO will report to the OeG’s director but have considerable autonomy in their role.

Recruitment documents state the security chief will provide strategic leadership for the planning, development, implementation, and management of both whole-of-government and agency information security.

The CISO’s purview will include strategic investment and awareness raising, developing effective security governance, security response and incident management.

The executive will also have to provide advice to senior and executive level management across government.

The government is currently accepting applications.

Earlier this week the federal government announced it would offer a cyber security briefing to a number of Australia’s political parties in order to help boost their information security.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the minister assisting the prime minister for cyber security, Dan Tehan said they would offer a briefing from the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) to leaders of Australian political parties.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Rohan Pearce

Quelle/Source: Computerworld Australia, 27.01.2017

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