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Freitag, 13.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The federal government will overhaul its $5.6 billion annual outlay on information technology in a bid to cut waste and duplication, after proving the value of the internet to deliver services.

An expanded agency will be given the job of finding “significant efficiencies” across the public service under a cabinet decision to ­accelerate a digital strategy launched a year ago.

Malcolm Turnbull has made the “digital transformation” a key theme of his leadership but it has faced big barriers with the public service, where every department controls its own procurement on information technology.

The government will announce a digital agency today that will lead the new approach by tracking IT projects across government in a bid to increase the adoption of e-government services.

The assistant minister running the strategy, Angus Taylor, said the goal was to use online services to get more out of every dollar the government spent. Total payments are due to rise from $425bn to $445bn this year.

“We need to reduce overall expenditure and use what we spend better — and hit the targets with our programs,” Mr Taylor said.

In one example of the shift to online services, the government doubled the use of its MyGov site in recent months to manage welfare and other payments as an alternative to requiring Australians to make phone calls or office visits.

Consulting firm Deloitte estimates that reducing transactions in traditional formats by 20 per cent over 10 years could produce efficiency gains worth $18bn. That does not include the benefits for Australians, which the consultants estimated would be worth another $9bn in time savings, convenience and out-of-pocket costs.

Mr Taylor said the Deloitte estimates were a “very credible first step” in what could be achieved.

“There are significant efficiencies available across government, both in the IT budget and our ­departmental expenses and program spending, through getting these things right,” he said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): David Crowe

Quelle/Source: The Australian, 14.10.2016

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