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Gestern 716

Insgesamt 39777249

Donnerstag, 16.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
A new service is operating out of Parkes providing an amazing health option.

But many people may not be all that aware of it.

Integratedliving’s Staying Strong with Telehealth service operates within Parkes and surrounding areas and offers remote monitoring of a person’s vital health signs and symptoms in their own home through effective use of technology.

The service is operated locally by registered nurse, Natasha Hamilton and Meal Service Coordinator Catherine Brown.

Natasha is relatively new to Parkes, having just arrived back in Australia with her husband from Canada.

Catherine has been nursing in the area for the past 13 years.

Registered nurses work with participants and their GP to develop an individual health and monitoring plan based on health needs.

The vital health signs and readings are then provided to the individuals own GP for management and to support their ongoing treatment plan.

The telehealth touch screen tablet will prompt the consumer to measure their vital health signs and answer a health interview (series of health and wellness questions).

The vital health signs include blood pressure, pulse rate, blood oxygen levels, temperature, weight and can also include blood glucose levels and a lung monitor to determine lung capacity.

This health data is then transmitted to the ICP triage manager database which prioritises readings for clinical triage.

If a reading is outside of the monitoring plan range, it will raise an alert and the integratedliving registered nurse will coordinate the appropriate response, in consultation with the participant and their GP or Health Service.

The Telehealth services implemented will enable consumers to monitor their vital health signs and manage their health while remaining independent within their own home.

Flexible, timely services are provided that respond to the health and wellbeing needs of individuals, supporting them to be independent and receive enhanced choice and quality of life.

The service is particularly valuable to individuals who find it difficult to visit their doctor regularly due to distance or transport restraints and for diabetics and individuals with other unstable health conditions.

The system is user friendly and is supported by a local registered nurse who will assist with the setup, ongoing monitoring and advice.

Intergretedliving also provide a meal service called Staying Healthy, Eating Well.

Meals are nutritional, very affordable and from a vastly changing menu.

Integratedliving is an innovative, not-for-profit, non-denominational organisation supporting older people and assist with their wellbeing and independence within their regional and rural communities.

Integratedliving operates across Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, Victoria and Tasmania ensuring people in rural and remote areas have equitable access to services.

If you would like further information or would like to discuss a referral to the service please phone 1300 782 896.


Quelle/Source: Parkes Champion-Post, 19.01.2015

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