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Sonntag, 9.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Little Company of Mary Health Care - officially Calvary Care - is seeking IT partners for its first three tiered ehealth initiative project in the Hunter region of NSW, just north of Sydney, according to a report by in the Australian newspaper’s IT section today.

The article says the organisation, with a turnover in excess of $1 billion, is in discussions with both multi-national and local IT companies with a view to rolling out “a range of cutting edge tele-health services across its nationwide network.”

According to the article by Damon Kitney, Little Company of Mary CEO, Mark Doran said hospital groups would need to establish three-tier systems (home care, hospital care and aged care) to address the country's increasing ageing population, make available more hospital beds and tackle the growing public hospital waiting-list problems.

The organisation has decided that Newcastle would be the base for its first ehealth operation across the three tiers, having last year acquired aged care and community care operations in the region to complement its existing public hospital, Calvary Mater.

The article says that Calvary is modeling its project on the British ‘3millionlives’ project which is designed to enhance the lives of three million people over the next five years by accelerating the rollout of telehealth and telecare in the National Health Service and social care.

According to the article, Calvary is talking to companies such as British Telecom, Telstra, Microsoft and British healthcare group Tunstall, with which it has a relationship in Australia, as potential partners in the project.


Quelle/Source: Australian Ageing Agenda, 22.01.2013

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