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Transforming Government since 2001
The NSW Government has appointed three new members to its industry advisory panel who will help guide the utilisation of new technologies to improve service delivery and public sector efficiency.

The addition of Barbara Reed, Lee Barnett, and Steve Hodgkinson expands the panel to nine members.

Reed leads the Australian delegation responsible for the development of international standard for records management, and is a member of Standards Australia's Committee on Records Management. Barnett, who has over 30 years' ICT industry experience, is AMP chief information officer (CIO), and Hodgkinson is Ovum Australia and New Zealand (A/NZ) government practice director. "We have expanded the number of positions on the industry advisory panel to bring new ideas and energy to discussions that are directly influencing the NSW government," Minister for Finance and Services, Greg Pearce, said.

The panel is responsible for providing the government with a clear view of the challenges facing the ICT industry, and developing the necessary procurement, sourcing and technical expertise, according to Pearce.

The current chairman, Deutsche Bank's John Baird, will remain in the role for another 12 months.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Nermin Bajric

Quelle/Source: IDG News Service, 14.12.2012

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