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Sonntag, 9.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The New South Wales government has detailed how it will use IT to drive better services in the state of New South Wales, ZDNet reports.

ICT minister Greg Pearce released the official government ICT strategy, which has been developed in tandem with the state's various new ICT working groups and advisory panels.

"NSW residents expect government to keep up with the times and to be available whenever and wherever they need," The Australian quotes Pearce as saying.

The government also revealed it would test new procurement methodologies over the next three to 12 months, as part of the strategy.

The procurement changes would also lead to greater centralisation of buying decisions across departments and agencies with common needs.

“We want to make NSW the leader in ICT and this strategy sets us on the course to do just that,” NSW deputy premier Andrew Stoner said, Delimiter reveals.

“It has been developed by some of the best minds in ICT in the NSW government and the private sector, including our digital economy taskforce, and the community who have come together to pave the way for NSW into the future,” he added. “We are committed to making it easier for NSW citizens to interact with government, to harnessing the opportunities provided by ICT to improve government operations, and to developing the ICT industry in NSW.”

Pearce added that the strategy – which would target 85 different actions across 17 major initiatives – would “bring NSW out of the dark ages and into the 21st century”, noting that citizens would see the difference in service delivery as the strategy was implemented, due to the public-facing transport apps, disclosure of government information and centralised Service NSW strategy being rolled out.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Nadine Arendse

Quelle/Source: ITWeb, 09.05.2012

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