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Mittwoch, 15.01.2025
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Patient safety under the proposed electronic health records system cannot be guaranteed, warn experts.

The electronic health record scheme, due to start on July 1, is yet to provide safeguards to prevent mistakes with doctors software.

Three experts including Chief clinical adviser to the e-health transition agency Mukesh Haikerwal warn the lack of a national clinical safety system to deal with computer glitches, and electronic devices means that 'it is not yet possible to make any definitive statement about whether the personally controlled electronic health record is safe or not.'

The E Health scheme has been subject to growing criticism on concerns of privacy and security attributable to the unreliable performance of the National e-Health Transition Agency, responsible for the e-Health rollout.

Analysis by the Parliamentary Library has affirmed that E-Health has been the focus of complaints from industry, 'ranging from accusations of ineffective oversight and failure of administrators to acknowledge design flaws, to warnings that the system will not succeed because its implementation has been ill-considered and rushed.'

A reliance on patient details transmitted from elsewhere by doctors and others, errors in readings could have life and death implications said, Dr Haikerwal.


Quelle/Source: Sky News Australia, 17.04.2012

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