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Data management is to become more important to healthcare bodies in the New South Wales (NSW) area, it has been suggested.

According to Jan Newland, chief executive officer of General Practice NSW, there will be an increased need for population health data management in order to deal with the region's ehealth agenda, reports TechWorld.

She noted general practices are essentially small to medium-sized businesses that may require help in meeting the standards set out in the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) programme.

"Practices will not be able to meet the expected pace of change without assistance and possible additional support for security upgrades and infrastructure," Ms Newland claimed.

Details of the PCEHR initiative were announced by the Australian government last year.

It intends to allow citizens the opportunity to check their medical history online, resulting in improvements to healthcare delivery and patient safety, while cutting duplication and waste.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Neil Hill

Quelle/Source: Experian QAS Australia, 07.04.2011

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