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Sonntag, 9.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Health services are all set for change, with the new Government likely to implement its e-health policies as Barry O’ Farrell led coalition has emerged as a winner in recently declared elections result and is due to form a new NSW State Government.

CSC, one of the world’s largest health system integrator in an issued statement had welcomed and cheered the election of O’ Farrell Coalition Government and anticipated a new era of e-health services in Australia.

Lisa Pettigrew, CSC’s National Director for Health Services, welcomed the newly appointed Health Minister Jillian Skinner and said that it is a great opportunity for NSW to make their health system perfect, as it will be having an experienced Health Minister for the first time in last 10 years.

Jillian Skinner’s policy announcements during the election campaign promised of transparency, better management of chronic diseases and increased community participation in NSW public health system and according to CSC’s National Director Lisa Pettigrew these policies promise a bright future for health sector and e-health services in Australia.

Ms. Pettigrew in her statement had also mentioned that they aspire to assist the new NSW Government in reviewing and optimizing technology and e-health investments so that patients and clinicians across NSW get superior services.

CSC released the Australian e-health research report in 2010 which revealed that majority of Australians desire electronic health records, and choice and control over their healthcare information.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Danny Garcia

Quelle/Source: TopNews United States, 28.03.2011

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