The Singapore government has announced plans to build the "Central G-Cloud," described as a private government cloud to be used anywhere within the government "where security and governance requirements cannot be met by public clouds," according to James Kang, an official with the Chief Information Office of Singapore's Infocomm Development Authority (IDA).
Kang describes the G-Cloud as a "time next step in the journey toward a new platform that will be more agile and more resilient" than the Singapore government's current infrastructure. Specifications call for it to be built with two security tiers (a medium assurance zone and a high assurance zone), and to provide a gateway to SingPass, the country's single sign-on identity for e-government services.
Kang added that the government is investigating whether existing agency cloud structures will be able to interoperate and share resources with the new G-Cloud. The government will start accepting formal vendor proposals by the end of the year.
Autor(en)/Author(s): Roger Strukhoff
Quelle/Source: SYS-CON, 06.07.2011