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Donnerstag, 20.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The Thai government has laid plans to launch the country’s National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) portal by 2012 which will serve as the national gateway for spatial information and pave the way towards “Spatially Enabling” Thailand.

Dr. Chaowalit Silapathong, Director of the Geo-Informatics office at the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA), told FutureGov Asia Pacific that upon the project’s inception, the portal will act as a repository of metadata generated by data producers which will gradually provide services such as access to metadata of the Fundamental Geographic Data Set (FGDS) and well as other spatial data in the country.

“Eventually, and when it is fully operational, the “ThaiSDI” will be fully networking with distributed portal nodes operated by collaborative efforts of cooperating public and private agencies to accommodate the sharing of geospatial information over this enabling portal or internet platform” he added.

NSDI is seen as the combination of technology, policies, and people necessary to promote geospatial data sharing throughout all levels of the government, private, non-profit sectors, and the academe. The immediate target of the NSDI portal is to share geospatial data among all users or stakeholders which will result in significant savings for data collection, enhanced use of data, and better decision making.

At present, GISTDA, who was appointed by the National Committee on Geo-Information to host the NSDI portal, is currently developing the system by upgrading the existing GISTDA GIS clearinghouse demonstration program established in 2009.

According to Silapathong, GISTDA has taken a dedicated action plan on the NSDI portal by stressing development in areas such as the strengthening of the institution’s internal capability as well as to harmonise system operations with other concerned agencies.

“Like many developed countries, Thailand has been convinced that the idea of e-Government should be made with a strategic direction. GIS has been accepted as one of the major components of e-Government in providing geospatial data and information for decision making. An important element to effectively integrate GIS with e-Government is to establish NSDI” he said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Clarice Africa

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 27.04.2011

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