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Freitag, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The French Prime Minister says he is not satisfied with his administration's progress towards e-government

Jean-Pierre Raffarin, the French Prime Minister, is to make sweeping changes to his country's e-government strategy as a result of delays and poor progress, according to an official circular. In the highly critical circular, sent to fellow ministers earlier in September 2003, Raffarin said that while he wanted quick progress, he was disappointed that the country "took delay" over e-government.

Raffarin signalled his frustration at a lack of ministerial cooperation on e-government.

He highlighted the work of France's e-government agency in giving a "clear framework" and an "effective organisation" to coordinate work between different ministries.

But in order to develop cross cutting services, said Raffarin, ministers will have to work more closely together.

He also pushed ministers to implement three key measures immediately in order to get the programme moving:

  • to speed up work on IT projects which can bring mutual benefits
  • to reduce the number of different information systems in the Government, setting up common services across departments
  • to set up common systems from 2006
He pledged that by the end of 2003, he will create an "interministerial" committee for reforming the state, which is to develop a new strategic plan for e-government.

Quelle: Kablenet

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