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Mittwoch, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On 31 May 2011, the Minister responsible for the digital economy, Eric Besson, announced that the establishment of the IDéNum consortium and the submission of the first proposals for the single multi-service digital identity certificate would occur by the end of 2011.

In February 2010, the government launched IDéNum, a programme for the creation of highly secure single electronic identity that would replace the many online identification means (including electronic certificates, passwords, logins, etc) required for using web services.

Weiterlesen: FR: Internet identification - IDéNum single eIdentity certificate on the right track

On 1 April 2011, Christophe Jacquinet, Director of the Regional Health Agency (L'Agence Régionale de Santé - ARS, in French) of Picardy, northern France, announced that a pilot for teleconsultation will be launched in prisons.

Mr Jacquinet made the announcement at a symposium that took place in Marseille marking the anniversary of the establishment of the ARS.

"We will pilot teleconsultation for inmates in one of the penal institutions in the region," said Mr Jaquinet at a telehealth roundtable. He noted that the ARS Picardy is currently deliberating over the issue, which falls under the framework of the national plan for access to healthcare in prisons, and in the context of the growing demand for healthcare and specialised expertise in prisons.

Weiterlesen: FR: Picardy - Regional health agency announces teleconsultation pilot project for prisons

Of the 168 patients treated by emergency teleconsultation at Cilaos hospital in 2010, a remote area on Réunion Island, only one required the dispatch of a mobile intensive care unit (service mobile d'urgence et réanimation - SMUR, in French). This confirms the efficiency of telemedicine, according to the regional hospital's annual report on telemedicine activity.

With 5 800 residents, the Cilaos commune is one of the most isolated areas on Réunion Island. Since November 2007, the commune's only hospital has been providing emergency care via telemedicine in cooperation with Unit 15 of the South Reunion Hospital Group (GHSR) in Saint-Pierre, which is 45 km away, but requires a travel time of 90 minutes along an abrupt route.

Weiterlesen: FR: Telemedicine limits the use of mobile intensive care units in a remote area of Réunion Island

On 21 February 2011, a decree created the Interdepartmental Directorate for State ICT Systems (Direction Interministérielle des Systèmes d'Information et de Communication de l'Etat - DISIC, in French), which is tasked with improving the quality, effectiveness, efficiency and reliability of government ICT services.

DISIC, placed under the authority of the Prime Minister and connected to the Secretary General for the Government, was established by Decree No 2011-193, thus replacing the National Steering Committee for Information Systems (CPNSI) which had been set up in June 2009. The DISIC project, which was led for over eighteen months by the Directorate-General for State Modernisation (Direction Générale de la Modernisation de l'Etat - DGME, in French), will allow the government to deploy an enhanced IT governance, but also a greater consistency in IT choices for the administration, as well as a larger representation of its technological positions internationally.

Weiterlesen: FR: Directorate created to enhance government ICT services

French doctors will be entitled to bill the government for some medical services provided over the phone at the same rate that they invoice for services provided in their offices or hospitals, under new French legislation aimed at promoting the use of telemedicine and redressing regional inequities in the availability of medical services.

“This mode of exercise [telemedicine] is a response to the medical demography inequalities: where health care resources may be more rare, mainly in isolated areas (islands, rural areas, mountain areas, suburbs, prisons),” a spokesperson from France’s Direction générale de l’offre de soins (DGOS), writes in an email, while insisting on anonymity.

Weiterlesen: French boost European telemedicine

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