Heute 1413

Gestern 2175

Insgesamt 40004988

Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
Rules will be enforced to ensure patients keep control over access to their health records in NHS databases to be launched next year, Health Minister Lord Warner announced yesterday.

He published the Care Record Guarantee, setting out the rules governing information held in the NHS Care Records Service - a nationwide patient health record system - which will begin rolling out across England next year. The Guarantee makes 12 commitments to patients about their records, including the following pledges:

Access to records by NHS staff will be strictly limited to those having a 'need to know' to provide effective treatment to a patient In due course, patients will be able to block off parts of their record to stop it being shared with anyone in the NHS, except in an emergency Individuals will even be able to stop their information being seen by anyone outside the organisation which created it - although doing so may have an impact on the quality of care they receive

Lord Warner said: 'The new electronic record system has enormous potential benefits for patients. In time, it will allow staff caring for them - wherever they may be in England - to have instant, accurate access to their essential health history, including allergies, current medication, pre-existing conditions and recent treatment.

'There will be very strict controls on who has access to a patient's records. However, we recognise that some people may have particular concerns about how their personal health information will be kept confidential in the new system. We understand that, which is why we are today setting out clearly what they can expect from the NHS and their rights to control who has access to their personal information.

'These rules will be backed up with tough security measures to prevent unauthorised access to records, ensuring everyone can have confidence in the new system.'

The NHS Care Records Guarantee has been drawn up by the Care Record Development Board (CRDB), an advisory body of patients, members of the public, healthcare professionals, social workers and researchers. It is chaired by Harry Cayton, the Department of Health's National Director for Patients and the Public.

The Guarantee covers people's access to their own records, controls on others' access, how access will be monitored and policed, options people have to further limit access, access in an emergency, and what happens when someone cannot make decisions for themselves.

The concept of a Guarantee arose from research undertaken with patients and the public in 2002 by the NHS Information Authority with the Consumers' Association. The research showed a high level of trust in the NHS, but a concern about who uses the information in patients' health records. When asked what would provide reassurance that the NHS is careful with health information, the most commonly mentioned safeguard was a published sharing agreement.

To provide that safeguard, a Guarantee was developed through wide-ranging consultation with patients, the NHS and other interested parties. It was further refined by a Public Advisory Board of people from patient, carer and citizen groups in consultation with the Department of Health's statutory Patient Information Advisory Group. The Guarantee was finalised by the CRDB. The Board will review the Guarantee every six months and update it as the NHS Care Records Service develops.

The guarantor of the rights set out in the document is the Secretary of State for Health - a move which underlines the strength of the commitments the NHS is making to patients.

The NHS Care Records Service aims to connect more than 30,000 GPs and 270 acute, community and mental health NHS trusts in a single, secure national service. The service will replace the existing variety of local paper and computer-based record systems.

The contractors involved: BT were awarded a contract of £620 million to deliver the national elements of the service. The Local Service providers delivering the local elements of the service are:

  • Accenture who were awarded a £1,099m contract for the North East cluster and £934m for the Eastern cluster
  • Capital Care Alliance (BT) who were awarded a £996 m contract for the London cluster
  • CSC who were awarded a £973m contract for the North West & West Midlands cluster
  • The Fujitsu Alliance who were awarded a £896m contract for the Southern cluster

Quelle: Publictechnology, 24.05.2005

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