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Montag, 10.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The Electoral Commission has given its support to a WAP phone service to promote voting by young people.

O2 launched the site on its O2 Active portal for WAP (wireless application protocol) phones on 19 April 2005 in anticipation of the general and local elections on 5 May. The Electoral Commission has supported it as part of its strategy to promote involvement in the democratic process. The site is aimed at encouraging potential voters aged between 18-25 among the services 3.8m users. It includes a guide to the election, including information on how to find your polling station, how to vote, how to obtain a postal vote and a host of frequently asked questions.

Turnout at the 2001 general election was just 59%, and was particularly low among the younger generation of voters. A recent poll of 3,000 O2 Active users, who tend to be aged between 18-24, revealed that only 38% intend to vote.

Becky Lloyd, campaigns manager at the Electoral Commission, said: "It's enormously important that we try to reach the electorate through a variety of communication platforms. This year we are pleased to be working with O2 to develop a mobile information resource that answers many of the questions that potential voters might have before heading down to the polling station.

"It's important that we communicate with the younger electorate in particular through a medium with which they are comfortable and familiar and mobile phones are a good way of doing this."

Quelle: KableNET, 19.04.2005

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