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Gestern 3744

Insgesamt 39878181

Donnerstag, 20.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
South Somerset District Council, in the south west of England (home of The Wise Marketer), has implemented a Geospatial Data Management Solution from Intergraph as part of its Customers First e-government programme in order to link spatial (mapping) information with corporate systems to help improve citizen services. The Customer First programme provides staff with the information required to quickly address customer enquiries and requests via the internet, eliminating the need to access back office systems. Intergraph's GeoMedia WebMap technology allows council staff to see spatial information related to daily tasks ranging from revenue collection, housing standards, pollution and pest control, to the provision of housing and housing benefits, leisure and recreation facilities and waste collection. South Somerset has completed the intranet roll out of the web system for its staff, and plans to make internet access available for public users by the end of the year.

Quelle: The Wisemarketer, 18.11.2004

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