The declarations aims to reinvigorate Europe's e-Government efforts and intend to agree upon a roadmap for ‘next steps’ both at national and EU level
The minister for Government and Resilience and Efficiency Caroline Nokes is expected to sign the EU’s Tallinn Declaration on e-Government tomorrow at a ministerial meeting and conference organised by the Estonian EU presidency.
During the event leading e-Government experts and decision makers will meet to share knowledge and expertise and sign the Tallinn Declaration.
The conference aims to convene the European ministers responsible for e-government to sign up to and agree a roadmap for the next steps in e-Government at both the national and EU levels. The conference will feature high-level discussions about the advantages and influence of e-Government, as well as its challenges through the use of best practices and practical examples from public and private sector organisations.
Panels will explore topics such as the use of technology for borderless government, GovTech industry innovation and techniques, initiatives and tech solutions to better engage digital population, and predictive government and blockchain technology.
The Estonian EU presidency considers e-Government to be a tool that can spur innovation and growth throughout the economy by offering a lead market and platform for private services, while also reducing red tape and bureaucracy.
Details about the e-Government Tallinn Declaration will be released tomorrow after the signing.
Autor(en)/Author(s): Matteo Natalucci
Quelle/Source: Government Computing Network, 05.10.2017