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Freitag, 20.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A list defining public sector resources has been approved as an official standard by the Local e-Government Standards Body (LeGSB)

Named the Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV), it is aimed at making searches for information easier by ensuring it is categorised in a uniform manner. It should also help to maintain links between different local and central government websites so users can get to the relevant information even if they start in the wrong place.

The approval was announced on 30 November 2005.

IPSV has grown from a set of lists developed separately by local and central government to a full vocabulary spanning the public sector. It currently maps to a list of all the services that local government provides – named the Local Government Services List – LGSL – but there are plans to expand this across the public sector. This will support end-to-end transactions to take place between the public, government, local government and partner agencies.

The IPSV terms may be used to improve retrieval of information resources from websites, intranets, and any other collection. Website navigation directories need not follow the IPSV structure exactly, but can be populated and maintained when based on mappings from IPSV terms in the metadata of resources.

Use of the IPSV is part of the compliance requirements for the e-Government Metadata Standard.

Local Authorities have been advised by Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to migrate from using the Local Government Category List to IPSV from March 2006, with completion in Dec 2006. The e-Government Unit is promoting take up among central government bodies and suppliers.

Quelle: KableNET, 02.12.2005

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