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Freitag, 20.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
‘Partnership is the secret of our success’ says Bill Hall, Programme Manager of the NeSDS (National eService Delivery Standards) Programme. In this article he discusses the Consultation Process for Phase 1 of the eStandards.

"From the outset of the NeSDS programme, our consistent goal has been to translate the excellence that is already available in the local authority community into a set of eStandards that can help all councils reach the same levels of service across all their services. These have to be based on local authorities doing it for themselves or it has no value in the marketplace. We are not imposing some arbitrary benchmarks. These are what councils already do best and where they believe local government needs to go.

Clearly the Priority Outcomes and BVPI 157 are a very important deadlines in the current calendar for Local Government and we have made sure that where appropriate the minimum requirements of the eStandards match the minimum requirements set down in these. But its important to remember that the standards look beyond that – the progressing and excellent parts of the eStandards are a vision of the future for local government to work towards in the next 3-5 years. This is about culture change on grand scale as part of the overall eGovernment Programme that will drive both efficiency reductions in line with the Gershon agenda.

We could only achieve this if the local government community shared our vision and our concentration has been on making sure that all Local Authorities have had the opportunity to be a key part of the formation process. We owe a debt of gratitude Havering London Borough Council and CEO Stephen Evans for their dynamic leadership and to the other 7 local authorities who led the initial 8 service areas we have covered.

Their tireless work and enthusiasm has driven the progress of the each work-stream from initial brainstorming and work-shopping through to the tough final QA process that every eStandard has been submitted to. Along the way we have invited as many Authorities as possible to take part in the workshopping process to make this all inclusive – and not just councils but professional bodies and industry experts relevant to the service areas we covered.

In all we have just under 200 Councils actively involved in the standards process – that’s 51% of all Local Authorities. If you break the figures down further we have had 94% of London Boroughs, 92% of Mets and 85% of County Councils involved.

This has been a fantastic response and shows that local government is now ready to work together – real joint working and partnership isn’t just buzz word any more, its becoming a working reality.

But even this is enough. We want to make sure that every single local authority has been offered the chance to make their contribution and have their say. The NeSDS standards are and must be seen to be a true collaboration made possible through the funding by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

So we have decided to make the first 8 eStandards available on the NeSDS website for a formal consultation period starting November 1 2005 after which the final eStandards will be published before the end of the year.

We would urge you to download the draft standards when available, consider them and let us have your feedback within the prescribed period. Its important that everyone who wants to has a part in what has become an outstandingly successful programme.

Quelle: Publictechnology, 19.10.2005

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