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Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Representative Cecilia Mamelodi-Onyandile says SADC will work with Lesotho to ensure the Southern African Postal Association (SAPOA) realises its key strategic roles.

Mamelodi-Onyandile said this at the signing of the host agreement between the government of Lesotho and the SAPOA on November 23.

She said it was a proud moment for SADC as the region celebrates the signing of the first host and finding a home for SAPOA in Lesotho.

Mamelodi-Onyandile said the agreement helps them legitimise SAPOA and appreciated the Lesotho’s Government decision to host SAPOA.

She said they had seen the role Lesotho played in its establishment, and, therefore, it is befitting for it to become the SAPOA home.

Commenting on the Digital SADC 2027 Agenda, Mamelodi-Onyandile said postal services were part of the ICT sector, and post office can reach places where telecoms are yet to reach, therefore, realising e-government services in postal services is critical.

Lesotho Minister of Communication, Science and Technology Khotso Letsatsi said the signing of the host agreement between the Government of Lesotho and (SAPOA) came at a crucial time when the ministry was busy with the roll-out of digital migration.

Minister Letsatsi said the advent of e-services has resulted in a lot of traditional postal business declining drastically but the post office would continue to survive and be a thriving business.

He said this was so because for every purchase made whether online or through other means, they will still need to be delivered and the post has experience in this regard.

Minister Letsatsi said due to the Secretariat’s vast knowledge base, they are going to take advantage of its presence to ensure the Post Office is utilised to its full potential not only by the general public but also by government.

He said the Lesotho Postal Services is also in the process of being corporatized, and shall need all the knowledge to ensure postal services reach the levels if not exceeding those of its peers within the region and Africa.

“The Corporation Bill is going to be tabled before Parliament now that it is in session, and once it is enacted then it will be all systems go,” he said,

The Minister thanked SADC, SAPOA and the government of the Republic of South Africa for giving Lesotho the great opportunity to host the SAPOA Secretariat, saying it was a lifetime opportunity if utilized properly to full potential as its presence will not only benefit the region but also the Lesotho economy.

At the same occasion, SAPOA vice chairperson Andrew Kumbatira said the commitment made by Lesotho was a great decision by the country.

Kumbatira said Lesotho facilitated for SAPOA to become a reality.

SAPOA was founded in 2001 and since its establishment, South Africa has been its home.

Its Secretariat will from early 2016 move from Pretoria South Africa to work from the Lesotho Postal Services in Maseru.

Currently, SAPOA is chaired by Lesotho Director General Postal Services Thato Nkhahle.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Nteboheleng Mabitso

Quelle/Source: The Southern Times, 17.12.2015

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