Heute 1154

Gestern 1354

Insgesamt 39829636

Mittwoch, 5.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The government is investing in ICT to bring public administration online. It will make it easier to get, for example, a security clearance certificate, which is an arduous affair today.

Department of information and technology (DIT) director Tenzin Chhoeda said that the online system will link every police station in the country with the ministry of home and cultural affairs. This will mean that an applicant’s information could be instantly obtainable at the time of request within a single day. It will go online this year.

The police will also be transferring its records of crimes, investigations and other tasks online. Currently, these are stored only on paper. This will link all the police stations, making police services faster and more efficient.

Another e-governance project that is implemented at the JDWNRH is the hospital information system. A patient’s medical history will be kept in a database that will be available, at the click of the mouse, to the relevant doctors. This will not only reduce the burden placed on a limited number of medical specialists in the country, but also improve their delivery of health care, says DIT.

For instance, patients will no longer have to worry about lugging bulky medical records to hospital, while doctors will not have to waste time searching through such material for the required information.

The government also wants to reduce paper usage by transferring letters and files online.

Once these documents have been transferred online, they will be tracked and every action will be monitored, says DIT. This tracking mechanism, on the status of documents and employees responsible for the documents, will ensure efficient performance by the management. The system is currently in operation at the ministry of information and communications.

The system is expected to be completed in the 10th Plan.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Gyalsten K Dorji

Quelle/Source: Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper, 28.04.2009

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