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Sonntag, 19.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis (Parliament) of Uzbekistan considered the draft law “On electronic government” of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the first reading, said the message of the lower chamber of the Uzbek Parliament.

The MPs, having considered the draft law, said that its adoption will promote to a clear definition of the basic directions of implementation of the system “Electronic government”, the increased use of information technologies in activity of state bodies in the interaction with citizens, organizations, enhancing efficiency, transparency and openness of activity of bodies of public administration.

Adoption of the law will create conditions for the realization and implementation of the most popular among the population and business entities e-government services, integration of complexes of information systems and databases of e-government to provide quality public services and the full transition to the unified interdepartmental electronic interaction of state bodies.

The law aims at establishing an open, constructive environment between public authorities and citizens, partnerships, effective relationships between them through the use of the potential of modern information and communication technologies.

“The bill in preparation has been widely discussed among experts, a number of activities with the participation of national and foreign experts has been conducted,” the message said. “It takes into account the conceptual aspects of international law and best practices of the US, Germany, Austria, the Republic of Korea that achieved significant results in the promotion of e-government systems.”

Once the bill passes three readings in the lower chamber of the parliament, it will be submitted for consideration to the Senate and then for signature to the head of state.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Demir Azizov

Quelle/Source: Trend News Agency, 13.11.2015

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