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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Islamic Countries e-Government Summit will be organized by Datamatix on 20-22 of November, 2006 at the Dubai World Trade Center, UAE.

This premier event will provide insights on the challenges faced by various e-Government projects in Islamic countries and will try and come up with a proposal for a unified standard that can drive e-Government innovations within the frame works of governance in Islamic countries.

The summit seeks to explore- together with the regional and world's leading thinkers and practitioners in this field, as well as with the event's participants- the possibilities and limits of the information and communication technologies in addressing major governance challenges such as rapidly evolving technologies, a highly interwoven and competitive economy, and growing collective challenges such as climate change, population growth, declining natural resources etc.

Ali Al Kamali, the Managing Director of Datamatix Group said, as he introduced the event, 'Datamatix's historical objective of educating future leaders, promoting technology and collaboration to effect positive change in the community is a goal that this summit shares. The summit recognizes the fact that viability of e-Government projects in these Islamic nations is important from many aspects for their respective economies.'

Sponsored by the 'United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia', the summit looks forward to assembling e-Government decision makers from 57 Islamic countries around the world for a 3 day meeting to ensure that e-Government projects undertaken in Islamic countries thrive in the 21st century and meet their objectives, at a time when many e-Government implementations from these countries are facing technological, financial and leadership challenges.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Lara Lynn Golden

Quelle/Source: AME Info, 17.10.2006

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