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Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Team Unity Government officially launched 5 additional applications (apps) for its E-Government portal during a ceremony at the OTI conference room on Wednesday.

The launch forms part of the Team Unity’s anniversary celebrations to commemorate the administration’s 2nd year in office.

During the ceremony, Minister of Communications, The Hon. Vincent Byron Jr commended the young people from Open Interactive on developing the apps.

“It is important to understand that these 5 apps that we have looked at today have been developed here in St. Kitts by young people working with open interactive. It is something remarkable and it is just the beginning of what we see as a very dynamic and important sector in our country”, he said.

The newly launched apps include The SKN Shopper app, the SKNIS (St. Kitts And Nevis Information Service) App, The Crime Reporting App, a Government Directory App and an Events App.

Minister Byron said that all of the apps grouped together help to provide E- Citizen services.

“These 5 apps are what we mean by E-Citizen services; whether it is going to be crime reporting, a shopper looking for up to date information on prices and so forth, whether it is going to be the events planner or SKNIS, these are the type of services that the people would need”, the Attorney General expressed.

Ministers of government, members of the Police High Command, other government officials, teachers and students were among those present at the launch ceremony.

The government of St. Kitts Nevis officially launched the Information and Communication Technologies Governance Board or E- Government portal on Thursday February 18 2016.

The e-government mobile applications launch ceremony was held under the theme “#EMPOWERSKN”.


Autor(en)/Author(s): ______

Quelle/Source: ZIZ Live, 15.02.2017

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