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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

During the launch of the Information and Communication Technologies Governance Board, government officials and the members of the new ICT Governance Board addressed and explained the process of this new policy.

ZIZ understands that the ICT policy is a Public Private Partnership dubbed a “P-Three Partnership”.

ICT Policy Advisor, Pierre Bowrin explained that the Public Private Partnership helped to make the process easier as the board was able to use the technical skills of young locals in the federation.

“It’s simply a Public Private Partnership and what this has done at least for us within the units, it has given us an opportunity to expand our skill-set. We certainly did not have all of the expertise in house. We have some very young local technical skilled persons who built this”, Bowrin explained.

E-government Coordinator, Ophelia Blanchard said this project, although new to the Federation, is familiar worldwide and encouraged government officials and workers to welcome the step with open minds.

“It is not new worldwide, however, it requires a different thinking for government workers and what we have been doing over the past few months is really sensitizing the Heads of Government, The Cabinets and the heads of different departments, Permanent Secretaries about E-Government and the need to really collaborate and consolidate information services in this one-stop shop portal” she said.

The launch of an E-government aims to deliver public services to people in a more cost effective and convenient manner.

Instead of manual processes that rely solely on the use of paper and people, E-Government harnesses Information and Communication Technologies such as Broadband and Mobile Computing, to transform service delivery and convenience to citizens, businesses, and various arms of government.


Quelle/Source: ZIZ Live, 19.02.2016

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