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Dienstag, 11.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The 3rd e-Government Award, Conference and Exhibition entered its second day in Dubai’s Intercontinental Dubai Festival City Hotel, on Tuesday.

A speech delivered by Mohamed Nasser Al Ghanim, director-general of TRA, opened proceedings where he welcomed the participating GCC delegations representing a whole host of regional e-Government initiatives and departments. In his speech, Al Ghanim emphasised the depth of relationship between GCC countries and the strength of the cultural ties that unify them.

The conference brings together a group of key industry speakers, experts and influencers on both local and international levels and is characterised by the richness and diversity of the topics being discussed. Experts included Mr. Leif-Olof Wallin, research VP at Gartner who delivered a presentation to the delegates present. Stressing the importance of mobility and smart devices, Wallin outlined e-Government strategies to increase productivity and performance. Gartner conducted a study on the use of smart devices in 2013 that showed iOS owning around two-thirds of the mature market including US and Europe, while Android OS owns around two-thirds of the emerging market that includes the GCC.

Hamad Obaid Al Mansouri, TRA deputy director- general of information and e-government, discussed the importance of the smart government project which aims to transform customer satisfaction and look at the services from a customer perspective. A survey was conducted to identify desired services and communication with government authorities where a delegation visited South Korea to understand the latest of what has been implemented in this regard. This was followed by a guide to transform e-Government to Smart Government which is associated with a number of steps to expedite the implementation of the Federal Government Network.


Quelle/Source: The Gulf Today, 11.12.2013

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