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Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A High-Level United Nations Steering Committee meeting will Tuesday examine the outcome of two projects of e-government in St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The UN said the meeting will feature Italy’s Minister for Reforms and Innovation in Public Administration Luigi Nicolais; St. Lucia’s Minister of Public Service Lenard Montoute and St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ Minister of Telecommunication, Science, Technology and Industry Dr. Jerrol Thompson.

Also in attendance will be UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Sha Zukang; and Guido Bertucci, Director of the Division for Public Administration and Development Management at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

"Participants will assess the two projects the result of the cooperation among the governments involved and the United Nations – and explore possibilities for future such activities in the Caribbean, which would involve the Department as an executing agency, the Italian Government as a donor and possibly the two countries as champions, assisting the Department in transferring the outcomes of the projects to other Caribbean countries," the statement said.

The UN said the project in St. Vincent sought to enhance the government’s official website, transforming it into a portal that would facilitate coordination and information sharing within government agencies, as well as interaction with the citizens, "by eliminating redundancies and creating a simpler way to provide services to citizens."

"St. Vincent’s project has involved carrying out a capacity-building plan and training sessions, and implementing a pilot application in the area of e-accounting and related software," the statement said. It said the website has become a "multi-channelled web-portal" that provides information and services within the government and the administration as well as to citizens and businesses.

"An e-taxation application permits the online payment of the taxes by civil servants," the statement said, adding that the project was completed in four instead of the foreseen six months. It also said additional objectives were achieved within the same budget.

The UN said the St. Lucian project involved integrating the information systems of the government’s agencies.

It said a feasibility study has defined operational solutions and guidelines for upgrading current procedures, integrating operations and simplifying processes across government agencies.

It is also aimed at transforming the way government agencies interact with citizens and provide services built around citizens’ needs.

"The study has provided the government with a scenario and operative guidelines to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public services," the statement said.


Quelle/Source: Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, 06.11.2007

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