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Sonntag, 5.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

The European Commission has announced the launch of two more public consultations, one on Europeans' broadband needs and the other focusing on the review of the current telecoms framework. The EC said the consultations are part of its Digital Single Market Strategy, presented in May, and follow the decisions to put in place strong net neutrality rules and end roaming charges by June 2017.

The first consultation will seek views on the review of the existing Telecoms Package dating back to 2009, since when electronic communications networks and services have undergone significant structural changes, which the EC said are characterised by a slow transition from copper to fibre, more complex competition with the convergence of fixed and mobile networks, the rise of retail bundles, the emergence of new online players (so called OTTs), and not least changing end-user expectations and requirements, including an explosion in demand for wireless data. The review intends to look at the future of spectrum management, network access regulation, universal services and telecoms governance.

The second consultation on broadband speed and quality will explore Europeans' internet needs, above all what they are likely to expect from their fixed and mobile networks in products, apps and services beyond 2020, and what investors will need to deploy those future-proof connectivity networks.

The EC said it wants to hear from all users, organisations, public bodies, and businesses across all sectors, not just telecoms and ICT, but also agriculture, education and automotive sectors, above all those that develop applications and services that depend on connectivity. The two consultations are open until 07 December. They follow two other consultations launched in the summer: one on the Satellite and Cable Directive launched in August and the other on the Audio-visual Media Services Directive (AVMSD), which opened in July.


Quelle/Source: telecompaper, 14.09.2015

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