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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Despite availability of eGovernment services in Europe is currently generally high, usage and satisfaction need improvement, according to a new report released today (28 May) by the European Commission and the consultant Capgemini.

The study, entitled “Digital by Default or by Detour?”, shows that almost half of EU citizens (46%) go online to look for a job, use the public library, file a tax return, register a birth, apply for a passport or use other eGovernment services. In addition, 80% say online public services save them time, 76% like the flexibility and 62% say they save money.

However, users are more satisfied with online banking than online public services, and this “shows that public administrations must do better at designing eGovernment services around users' needs. And we have to do more to make eGovernment work across borders,” said European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes.

After surveying 28,000 internet users across 32 countries, Capgemini found that 73% of citizens declare taxes online, 57% change their address and 56% apply for a grant or higher education.

On the other hand, 54% of the people interviewed prefer face-to face contact or other traditional channels, but 30% of them affirmed that they could also use eGoverment services.

Furthermore, people living in their own country are more likely to use online services, while those EU citizens living abroad need to go to physical offices if they want, for instance, to start a company.

Nevertheless, more transparency and interaction is still needed. Governments are providing basic information about organisations, but for services that empower citizens the data offered is less.

“Governments across Europe need to understand far better the different backgrounds and needs of the people they represent and how best to communicate with them, while also managing the bottom line,” says Dinand Tinholt, Vice President and EU account executive of Capgemini.

To use technology in an smarter way, Capgemin recommends the use of social media platforms, implement strategies to be more focused on citizens, and open up data to unlock economic gains and drive innovation.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Nerea Rial

Quelle/Source: New Europe, 28.05.2013

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