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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Government systems and processes that may have worked well before the digital revolution at the end of the 20th century, have now failed the tests of cost and time efficiency, productivity, transparency and competitiveness.

The revolution in information and communication technologies (ICT) has provided an opportunity for governments to discard anachronistic operational methods in favor of modern technological solutions which enable seamless, integrated and streamlined access to information across the public sector. This is the vision of the 21st Century Government Programme.

The Secretary General of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU), Ms. Bernadette Lewis, noted that a Government has a unique relationship with its citizens in that it is the only institution that consistently interfaces with all citizens through every phase of life. The Government, therefore, is exclusively positioned to know its citizens and has a responsibility to create and maintain systems that efficiently service their needs and enable them to participate effectively in the development of the country.

She explained that a 21st Century Government is one that make effective use of ICT to deliver services to its citizens, internal and external clients. It is characterised by citizen-centric, seamless, open, interactive, efficient and transparent processes. The establishment of 21st Century Government will transform the public service, strengthen economic competitiveness, and promote sustainable development. Many countries have been introducing electronic government services but the process has been very slow. The 21st Century Government programme seeks to accelerate government transformation.

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, in collaboration with the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD), will host the preliminary activities of the programme to establish Caribbean 21st Governments. The first activity, a Summit of Prime Ministers, scheduled for 16th January 2018, will explain the principles of 21st Century Government, and propose a plan which will lead to government transformation. A three-day Symposium, designed to prepare public sector practitioners for the work that has to be done to establish 21st Century Governments, will follow the Summit from 17th to 19th January.

Hon. Melford Nicholas, Minister of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunication and Information Technology in Antigua and Barbuda had already established many e-government services and had proposed a Symposium, not only to highlight their achievements, but to share their experiences and assist other Caribbean countries. He stated that Prime Minister Hon. Gaston Browne has embraced and is fully committed to the principles of 21st Century Government and therefore had no hesitation in hosting the Summit in association with the Symposium.

Heads of Government, ICT and Public Administration Ministers along with their permanent secretaries and technocrats; ICT Network and Operators and Regulators, international development agencies and the business community have been invited to participate in the Summit and Symposium.

Interested persons can register at: https://ctuevents.events.idloom.com/Towards-21stCentury-Government

For more information, please visit the CTU Website at: http://www.ctu.int


Quelle/Source: St. Lucia News Online, 03.01.2018

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