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Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Science and Technology will be making a number of advances in the New Year.

Minister of State with responsibility for that Ministry, Senator Dr. Edomond Mansoor, says 2012 will be the year of electronic development.

Minister Mansoor said government is committed to advancing the twin island state to a level where the country is more competitive in the area of information technology.

He said the Ministry will focus its attention on a new project, Technology for Small and Micro-Enterprises, which will target 125 businesses. Additionally he noted that technology will play a major role in government operations. “We will accelerate our efforts to develop sustainable e-government initiatives and we will use new technologies to modernize key areas of governments operations particularly those that have a direct and continuous interaction with the public.” Mansoor said.

The minister adds that Antigua has received a grant from the World Bank via the E-Grip project, a pan OECS project design to accelerate electronic governance structures.

According to Dr. Mansoor, electronic government expansion will be advanced through 4G broadband internet, which will be deployed in the top 150 agencies, where government provides services to the public.

He reiterated that 4G technology will make the nation more advanced and competitive. He also outlined the components of the ICT Cadet Program, which will allow 75 persons to be enrolled in an intense one year on the job ICT training program geared towards entrepreneurship.


Autor(en)/Author(s): S Coward

Quelle/Source: Caribbean PressReleases, 30.12.2011

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