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Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Government has moved a step further in forging collaborative ties with the Commonwealth Secretariat in the area of Information Communication Technologies.

Minister of State with responsibility for Information, Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Dr. Edmond Mansoor, yesterday met with Devindra Ramnarine, advisor in Public Sector Informatics from the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Governance and Institutional Development Division.

During the meeting, plans were advanced for the launch by the Commonwealth Secretariat of an electronic readiness survey in the public sector.

According to Dr. Mansoor, the Commonwealth Secretariat has assigned Roger Depeiza, an ICT expert, to undertake a formal assessment of the government’s readiness to move towards a full electronic platform.

Dr. Mansoor indicated that an ICT map for the public sector is being developed, assessing both current ICT resources and future ICT resources. This map will assist government in formulating an ICT blueprint for developing a comprehensive system for selecting and developing ICT projects in the public sector.

“In addition to the public sector’s e-readiness for both e-government and e-commerce, the government will be undertaking a similar assessment in the private sector. These e-readiness surveys will also assist in coordinating cross functional government projects,” Minister Mansoor declared.

During the meeting, permanent secretaries and other senior technical people were updated on government’s digital agenda, which includes preparing key public sector departments for the transition towards a full e-government platform.

Arising out of this assignment by the Commonwealth, Antigua & Barbuda has been selected as a country where a “best practice” report will be produced so that the model can be utilised by other Commonwealth and developing countries.

Also attending the meetings were Acting Permanent Secretary Cicely Phillips, Telecommunications Consultant, Delreo Newman, Acting Director of the Information Technology Center, Luxmore Edwards and Telecommunications Officer Clement Samuel.

Quelle/Source: AntiguaSun, 10.05.2007

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