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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Minister of Finance, Dr. Errol Cort hinted last Friday that the government of Antigua & Barbuda will be engaging the services of Caribbean Union Bank to provide a more efficient payroll system and e-government support.

Dr. Cort said he saw similarities in the progression of the Caribbean Union Bank and the government of Antigua & Barbuda – “shared vision, shared voyage and shared values”.

Caribbean Union Bank, the newest bank in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union, was officially opened last Friday, National Heroes Day, at the bank’s premises on Friars Hill Road.

During the feature address, Dr. Cort said that we are now citizens of a world in transition and the established rules of business and commerce are being challenged and replaced by new paradigms.

“The systems and conventions that we embraced, even as recently as a decade ago, are now proven to be inadequate,” he said.

The finance minister said Antigua & Barbuda needs to be more reactive and more proactive and in the end regain fiscal sovereignty, which has already begun with a 12 per cent decline in debt, 24 per cent in overall debt and $500 million in debt forgiveness.

Dr. Cort stated that no man is an island, adding that his government is seeking synergies, which will work towards regaining fiscal sovereignty especially through debt reduction and hinting that Caribbean Union Bank and government will be joining forces.

Bank Chairman Brian Stuart-Young, in endorsing the finance minister’s statements, said the bank can support e-government.

Dr. Cort said the Caribbean Union Bank payroll platform could assist the treasury by reducing the expenses in monthly and weekly government payrolls by an estimated one per cent of GDP per year.

The event attracted various members of Parliament, including the Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer, Leader of the Opposition Robin Yearwood and prominent people from the private sector.

Autor: Nikisha Smith

Quelle: AntiguaSun, 12.12.2005

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