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Mittwoch, 26.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Constituent Assembly (CA) members have expressed commitment for working together to build e-Nepal.

Speaking at the ICT Conference 2011 organized by Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) here on Wednesday, they also stressed on the need to implement various concepts like e-village, e-library and telemedicine with focus on rural sector to bridge existing digital divide.

Speaking at a panel discussion on ´Building e-Nepal: Prospects and Challenges´, lawmaker Rajendra Khetan encouraged entrepreneurs to work with competitiveness, quality and access in mind. He further suggested them not to look for government assistance on everything.

“At most, the government can come up with suitable policies and regulations. We shouldn´t expect more from the government. We should rather put our own efforts,” Khetan added.

Another lawmaker Brinda Pandey, however, differed with Khetan and said the government should develop infrastructure so that the private sector could expand it further. “It´s the responsibility of the government to create a favorable environment for growth,” she added. Pandey also said that she was working on the concept of e-library in some villages in Nuwakot so that students there can expand their horizons.

Lawmaker Krishna Prasad Sapkota said optimum benefits should be taken from internet to develop education, agriculture and other sectors. “We are not experts in IT sector, but we can work together with IT experts to materialize e-Nepal,” he added.

Speaking on the occasion, CAN President Suresh K Karna requested lawmakers to support CAN´s initiatives of declaring the year 2013 as Information Technology Year with the theme ´Together We Can´. “ICT should be developed in such a way that every Nepali can have easy access to it,” he added.

Various experts made presentations on e-governance, e-tourism and e-entertainment among others on the first day of the two-day conference. Binod Dhakal, coordinator of the conference, told Republica that the second day of the conference would focus on e-business/e-export and e-security.


Quelle/Source: Republica, 02.02.2011

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