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Samstag, 21.12.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Macedonia's progress in using information technology (IT) to improve efficiency and transparency in government was emphasized in a new exhibition of IT solutions organized by the USAID-funded e-Gov Project, which is implemented by Internews Network. The exhibition, entitled "e-Gov for a Modern Macedonia," was organized in partnership with Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft.

Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski and Paul D. Wohlers, Chargé d' Affaires at the US Embassy, officially opened the event in the historic Daut Pasha Hamam (an ancient Turkish bath, now an art gallery).

"Through e-Government, public administration can become more open and transparent, and reinforce democratic participation. Assisted by technology, public administration also has the potential to become more service-oriented, providing personalized and comprehensive services to every citizen, and delivering maximum value to the taxpayers," said Wohlers.

The e-Gov Project has been assisting public institutions in the Republic of Macedonia to increase their efficiency and transparency and to open new channels for doing business. On display at the exhibition were some of the solutions developed as part of the consolidated package of assistance, including the Apply On-Line system for state jobs; the e-Procurement system; e-Tax Services; the e-Health system; and e-Budgeting.

The corporate partners in the event, Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft, displayed e-Gov solutions developed for Macedonia and other countries. Also on display were digital certificates, which, with assistance provided by the USAID-funded e-Gov project, can now be issued in Macedonia.

Autor/Author: Jerker Torngren

Quelle/Source: Internews, 02.06.2006

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