Heute 1101

Gestern 1557

Insgesamt 39534403

Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Gambia Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (GCCPC) on Tuesday organize day training for journalists on reporting on consumer protection and matters affecting the consumer at the market at its head office in Kotu East.

Amadou Ceesay, Executive Secretary GCCPC, said the aims of the training is to promote competition in all sectors of the economy by prohibiting collusive agreements and bid rigging, investigating and controlling other type of restrictive agreements, monopoly and merger situation.

He said the media plays a critical role to ensure that the benefit of competition and consumer protection accrues to the consumers by keeping them informed.

“We believe media advocacy can help us raise awareness of both the role and action of (GCCPC) as well the benefits us addressing anti-competitive and anti-consumer behaviour,” he said.

Ceesay further said (GCCPC) is out to curb anti-competition practices and promote competition in all sector of the economy, protect and promote consumer welfare in The Gambia market.

He added it will ensure the availability and affordability of essential commodities, advocate and raise public awareness on the work of the Commission.

Amadou Njie, Consumer Protection Officer noted that the Commission will serve a written notice on an enterprise or any person who appears to be in possession of relevant information or documents.

He pointed out that the Commission also requires the enterprise or person on whom it is served to provide to the commission information or documents that the commission reasonable required for its investigation.

Abubacarr M. Ceesay, Principal Economist of GCCPC urged consumers and businessmen that they need to be conscious about prevailing market conditions and practicing of the market players.

“As a responsible businessman or consumer, you should approach the Commission with information available to you regarding the suspicious of anti-competition practices or consumer protection violations,” he noted.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Sariba Manneh

Quelle/Source: The Voice, 09.07.2019

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