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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Officials from various government ministries and departments on Monday validated a feasibility study report on the establishment of a National Information Communication Technology (ICT) agency for the Gambia.

The validation of the study, commissioned by the Ministry of Information and Communication, will pave the way for the establishment of an agency that will integrate all governmental functions through information and communication sharing via electronic governance thus eliminating unnecessary use of resources in certain governmental errands.

The feasibility study was commissioned after a study tour to Rwanda and Ghana in 2012 by an e-governance technical team during whose recommendations were made for the establishment of an ICT agency in Banjul.

Speaking at the validation workshop, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Information, Lamin Camara, said e-governance will help avert duplication of resources and efforts within the government.

Mr. Camara said the ICT agency will help enhance government’s economic activities as it is going to make integration more cost-effective.

Lamin Jabbi, the consultant of the ICT agency who is also the Director General of Gambia Submarine Cable, said e-governance makes governments very vibrant and efficient in terms of production and also maximise the use of resources.

The two officials said most countries, particularly developing ones, are now using e-governance system through an ICT agency that profoundly integrates the whole governmental system, making governance cost-effective in implementing strategies.


Quelle/Source: StarAfrica, 02.12.2014

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