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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructure in conjunction with various stakeholders Thursday met at a local hotel in Kololi, to validate the Feasibility Report and the Network Security Policy on the Scaling-up of e-Government Data Centre. The reports were prepared by an international consultant that carried out in-depth assessment and analysis of the existing computing and network environment in government and studied the feasibility of integrating e-government infrastructure and services in a more cost-effective and efficient manner.

The consultancy was carried out under the 'Support to National e-Governance Strategy Project" by the United Nations Development Project (UNDP).

In his remarks, the deputy permanent secretary (DPS) for Technical at the Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructure, Lamin Camara, extolled the Ministry's partnership with the UNDP, indicating that they have three projects with them this year.

These, he indicated, are Rural Community Information Centre in Mansa Konko, feasibility study on the Scaling-up of e-Government Data Centre and the Government Web Portal Upgrading Project. "All of these projects support the attainment of the Ministry's goal on promoting access to information and ICT services," he noted.

DPS Camara also told the gathering that the workshop marked the final stage of the feasibility study on the Scaling-up of e-Government Data Centre as the two reports from their international consultant were being validated.

"Due to various implementation barriers and challenges, an evolutional e-government roll-out strategy was adopted by The Gambia e-Government similar to most countries that implemented e-government.

On the other hand, individual data centres exist in the government system such as the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS), Education Management Information System (EMIS), Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), amongst others," he further stated.

Camara described the activity as timely as it links to the implementation of local area network (LAN) for 37 MDAs funded by West Africa Regional Communication Infrastructure Programme (WARCIP). He added that the remaining task is to connect all the LAN of MDAs to e-Government Data Centre. The DPS assured that these projects will complete the basic infrastructure for a connected-government - The Gambia government network (Gambia GovNet).

Dr Gatana Kariuki of UNDP presented the two reports.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Yunus S Saliu

Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 20.09.2013

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