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Mittwoch, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

InfoTech, a leading technology solutions company, went live with its project to implement its flagship product GeReg®- a one stop shop e-government service – at the Registration, Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA) in Tanzania.

RITA is responsible for registration of information on key life events, incorporation of trustees, and safeguarding properties under trust, of deceased persons, insolvents, and minors in Tanzania. However, lack of communication and travel facilities in Tanzania, especially in rural areas, caused RITA to have a significant backlog of unregistered births. Failure to achieve its original goal set out in 2010 through the Under 5’s Birth Registration Initiative to register births as close as possible in time and location to where they occur, led to the pursuit of a solution to counter the problems. After a rigorous competitive bidding process, InfoTech secured this World Bank funded project.

InfoTech proposed its flagship product GeReg® for effective administration of entities inter-alia the registration of births and deaths, in the first phase. This system will also help in better decision-making by providing friendly services and accurate data for national planning and economic development. GeReg® will help revolutionize the birth and death registration process in the region and facilitate registration in rural areas by providing access through any Internet enabled device. Additionally, the upgraded infrastructure supporting the birth and death registration is state of the art and modern that can support the operations smoothly, and has room for future expansion as well. Trainings and capacity building by InfoTech experts have ensured that the transition from legacy system to GeReg® is seamless and efficient, helping RITA fulfil its mission of bringing public service to the next level of excellence and living up to its vision of becoming a highly progressive department that efficiently services its customers.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Khalid Butt

Quelle/Source: Pakistan Observer, 14.01.2018

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