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Insgesamt 39536430

Mittwoch, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Ilala Municipal residents yesterday had their fingerprints, photographs and electronic signatures taken as part of the final steps towards receiving their national Identification Cards (IDs).

After completing the exercise in Ilala Municipality, Kinondoni Municipality will follow marking the end of Dar es Salaam Region and the beginning of the process in other regions. The highly anticipated IDs are expected to improve national security and criminal investigations as well as revenue collection and social services delivery.

Speaking in a telephone interview with The Guardian on Tuesday, the Head of Communications and Documentation Unit at the National Identification Authority (NIDA), Thomas William, said it has already allocated enough equipment and human resources to accomplish the exercise. He mentioned some of the Municipality wards where the exercise is expected to start as Msongola, Chanika, Pugu, Majohe, Kinyerezi and Kitunda.

“So we remind residents that all the processes, including taking of their photographs are free and they are not supposed to pay any charges during the exercise,’’ William stressed. He reminded the public to follow rules and procedures during the registration, such as bringing along certified copies of documents that verify their age and citizenship such as birth certificates, passports, academic certificates driving licences or national health insurance identification cards.

He said authorities have already urged local government leaders to have detailed information of residents in their localities so as to avoid the possibility of giving the IDs to illegal immigrants.

“For our part, we are doing all we can to ensure that we get individuals’ real identities by not only relying on information from the local government but double checking with other reliable sources,’ he said.

“We will also work hand in hand with the Immigration department, Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA), special department for refugees in the Ministry of Home Affairs and other authorities,” he added. The exercise will go on simultaneously with the registration of those who did not register in the first round.

At least 568,798 residents of Temeke district, equal to 80 percent of the expected residents, gave their biometrics a few weeks ago. In that first round, the major issue observe was persons complaining of being required to pay for their photos to be taken instead of it being free as stated.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Malela Kassim

Quelle/Source: IPPmedia, 11.10.2013

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