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Mittwoch, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The nation has recorded immense development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) since the National Fibre Optic Cable network was put in place, the Deputy Minister for Communication, Science and Technology, Mr January Makamba, has said.

Mr Makamba said this on Thursday when officiating at meeting of ICT stakeholders to discuss the proposed mandate of the recently launched National ICT Commission (NICTC) on Thursday in Dar es Salaam.

The deputy minister said in the last 10 years since Tanzania launched the marine cable ICT had improved which, in turn, had brought down the costs of communication.

The deputy minister’s remarks were supported by IT News Africa, which compiled a list depicting the general state of ICT in the country, noting that Tanzania was one of the fastest growing African nations in terms of ICT development and mobile deployment.

While Africa’s Internet penetration was only 13.5 per cent, which was way below the world average of 32.7 per cent, Tanzania ranked as one of Africa’s top countries when it came to the number of users on the Internet.

The country ranked 6th on the World Internet Stats’ chart with 5.9-million users, just below South Africa with 6.8-million users., noted IT News Africa. Mr Makamba said the ICT Commission launched last July would help drive ICT development and coordinate various ICT-related projects.

According to statistics, the sector grew from 20.1 per cent in 2007 to 22 per cent in 2009. The ICT Commission, which was first proposed in the government’s technology policy of 2003, would also look at improving the national ICT infrastructure and policies.

He said through the ICT Commission, Tanzanians would be in a position to enjoy both simplified social and administrative system through egovernance, telemedicine and e-education.

“The government’s aim is to embrace technology in delivering public services, such as e-government, e-learning, e-health and many others,” he said. He explained that among the Commission’s tasks was to control ICT training colleges to ensure they provided quality ICT education to students.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Rose Athumani

Quelle/Source: Dailynews, 13.09.2013

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